The Future of the Office of School Safety (OSS) Hangs in the Balance

The Office of School Safety (OSS) within the Wisconsin Department of Justice, a vital statewide resource dedicated to maintaining the safety of schools, faces potential budget cuts that could impact its operations and effectiveness. Wisconsin’s Attorney General, Josh Kaul, had requested $2.2 million and 16 full-time positions to support the OSS, an initiative that started […]

CAUTION:  DPI Expulsion Hearing Appeals

When reviewing expulsion appeals, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (“DPI”) had historically taken the approach that a school board was in the best position to know and understand what its community required as a response to school misconduct.  Consistent with that philosophy, the DPI maintained that it was inappropriate to second-guess the school board’s […]

Navigating Records Retention Changes – Understanding and Adopting the General Records Schedule for Wisconsin Public School District and Related Records

On March 20, 2023, the Public Records Board (PRB) approved the General Records Schedule for Wisconsin Public School District and Related Records (GRS), replacing the Wisconsin Records Retention Schedule for School Districts (WRRSSD).  The GRS became effective on March 20, 2023, making the WRRSSD outdated, despite its May 2023 expiration. The GRS and the WRRSSD […]

School Districts Obtaining Harassment Restraining Orders and Injunctions

When a school district finds itself in the difficult position of having to bar an individual from school district property and/or limit the individual’s communications with staff members to ensure the safety of students and staff, a harassment restraining order may be an option. In a previous legal update, we addressed a school district’s broad […]

Student Disciplinary Suspensions – Procedural Reminders

Wisconsin public school districts have a responsibility to ensure schools are safe places to learn.  Student discipline, including suspensions, often assist school districts in maintaining the safety of the educational environment.  The Wisconsin Constitution guarantees a free public education for children ages 4 through 20, who have not graduated from high school.  Because a disciplinary […]

Student Free Speech Following the Supreme Court’s Cheerleader Decision

Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Mahanoy Area School District v. Levy, 141 S.Ct. 2038 (2021), courts have grappled with applying First Amendment freedom of speech law in the context of off campus student speech that implicates potential disciplinary interest relative to the school environment. Mahanoy, often referred to as “the cheerleader case” found […]

Employee Intermittent and Reduced Schedule Medical Leaves of Absence

On February 9, 2023, the US Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division (DOL) issued an opinion concerning whether an employer is required to allow an employee to work a reduced schedule due to a chronic serious health condition under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).  This Legal Update will review the legal […]

Don’t Forget to Review Your Public Records Notice

The posted notice is a requirement that is often overlooked under Wisconsin’s Public Records law.  Wis. Stat. § 19.34(1).  By statute, each public records authority, excluding members of a governmental body, must adopt, prominently display, and make available, a notice providing guidance on its public records procedures.  Many school districts display the notice in their […]