The Inner Workings of the Debt Collection Process

Does your business or public entity have outstanding balances due and owing from clients, customers, or families that need to be collected?  Before embarking on the debt collection journey, it is important to have a general understanding of the process that a creditor must take to collect upon a debt and the laws that apply […]

Reminder Regarding Upcoming EEO-5 Data Collection Requirements and Deadlines

On July 27, 2021, the United States Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) begins the 2020 EEO-5 data collection via the EEO-5 Online Filing System at Pursuant to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), all public elementary and secondary school districts with one-hundred (100) or more employees (Eligible School Districts), […]

2021-23 Wisconsin State Biennial Budget Bill

On July 8, 2021, Governor Evers announced line-item vetoes and signed the 2021-23 Wisconsin State Biennial Budget Bill, which allocates taxpayer dollars for the next two fiscal years.  This Budget Bill includes a $2 billion income tax cut, reduces property taxes, lifts the UW System’s tuition freeze, restores two-thirds funding for schools, and authorizes infrastructure […]

Students Have First Amendment Rights Regarding Off Campus Speech

On June 23, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L, No. 20-255, which serves as a warning to public school districts about disciplining students for online and off-campus speech. The facts of this case are no surprise to school district officials across the country, who have been […]

A Primer on Title Insurance in Real Estate Transactions

If an individual or entity will be purchasing or selling real estate, it is important to review the condition of the title. In real estate transactions, it is common for the seller to provide an owner’s policy of title insurance covering the proposed buyer. In addition, if the transaction involves financing, the buyer must typically […]

Managing Educator Shortages With Foreign Professionals

Virtually every sector of the U.S. economy is currently struggling with a lack of qualified and willing individuals to fill vacant employment positions. Education is no exception to this reality. Wisconsin school districts report high levels of available positions in teaching and administration, while college and university education programs report low enrollment. As a result, […]

Open Meetings Law and Closed Session Reminder

As new school board members and other municipal officers are taking their oaths, it is a good time for a reminder about the Open Meetings Law and closed sessions.  This Legal Update will review some basic, but important, information about governmental body meetings and closed sessions. Every meeting of a governmental body must initially be […]