Department of Labor Updates FFCRA Frequently Asked Questions
Continuing concerns regarding COVID-19 have led Wisconsin’s public and private schools to implement a variety of different plans for the beginning of the new school year. These plans include in-person schooling five days per week to a fully virtual (remote) learning plan, or a hybrid approach combining in-person and remote learning approaches. Parents and their […]
Employment Verification (Form I-9) Flexibility Expiring
Federal immigration law requires that all employers in the United States verify both the identity and the employment authorization status of all employees hired after November 1986. This requirement applies to all new hires and, where necessary, requires re-verification of employment authorization in the case of expiring temporary employment authorization (in the case of individuals […]
Wisconsin Resists Implementation of Title IX Regulations
On May 19, 2020, in a previous article, we reported on the U.S. Federal Department of Education’s new Title IX regulations, which were released on May 6. 2020, and which impose formal requirements on the investigation process and complaint adjudication starting on August 14, 2020. In an effort to halt implementation of the new regulations, Wisconsin Attorney […]
Grading, Credit Determinations, and Other Considerations for the 2019-2020 School Year and Beyond
To say that this school year has presented educators with unique and complex challenges may be the understatement of the century. Governor Evers’ revised Safer at Home Order, including the school closure component, made official what most have expected would be the case – school is closed for the “remainder of the 2019-2020 school year”. […]
Instructional Hour and Testing Waivers
Wisconsin’s schools continue to be under closure orders from the Governor and Department of Health Services due to COVID-19 concerns. It is increasingly likely that many, if not most, school districts will not be able to meet state law mandates for instructional hours and pupil assessments for the 2019-2020 school year. Many school officials have […]
School Board Meetings During the “Mass Gathering” Prohibition
Yesterday, March 17, 2020, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, under the direction of Governor Evers, issued Emergency Order #5 (“the Order”). The Order is entitled “Prohibiting Mass Gatherings of 10 People or More”. The Order then does what its title suggests and places a “moratorium” on gatherings that are intended or likely to bring together more […]
Employers Cautioned When Taking Employment Action Related to Use of FMLA Leave
Employee absences due to the use of federal and state protected leave entitlements can create hardships for employers. Employee absences can be disruptive, cause overtime, delay projects, or present other similar hardships and frustrations for employers. As a result, it is in some instances in the employer’s interest to evaluate potential abuses of protected leave […]