Clarification on Executive Order Concerning Foreign National Registration

Within the barrage of initiatives, goals, policy statements, directives to agencies, and various other Trump Administration actions regarding immigration, is the reinvigoration of the long-standing Alien Registration requirements. This alert is intended to clarify the scope of this requirement where possible but also note the uncertainty of its scope in other circumstances. Executive Order – […]

Federal Immigration Enforcement in Schools

As the second Trump Administration takes office, we have been treated with an instant flood of Executive Orders addressing, among other things, the administration’s immigration enforcement initiatives. Primarily, these enforcement initiatives target border security and border crossings, undocumented individuals with criminal convictions or with prior removal orders. One measure that has captured the attention of […]

Federal Court Reviews Ability to Control Social Media Comments

Social media is, depending on one’s perspective, a powerful messaging tool or a distraction full of unhelpful comments at best, and oftentimes outright nasty, vitriolic comments. Social media content designed to inform the public about the workings of their government can very easily be taken over by those more interested in pursuing their negative personal […]

Department of Labor Dramatically Raises Exempt Salary Requirements

The U.S. Department of Labor published its final rule increasing the salary threshold under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for White Collar Exemptions on April 26, 2024. Exempt status applies to employment positions that are not eligible for overtime compensation because they involve the performance of certain types of duties (executive, administrative, or professional) […]

Employer COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate Does Not Apply to Wisconsin Public Entities

Earlier this year, President Biden announced that he intended to direct the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to implement a rule to require that employers with more than 100 employees ensure that their employees are either vaccinated against COVID-19, or that unvaccinated employees provide a weekly negative test in order to continue to work. […]