School District Obligations Under 2023 Wisconsin Act 20
On July 19, 2023, the Wisconsin legislature enacted 2023 Wisconsin Act 20 (“Act 20”) which fundamentally shifted early childhood reading assessment and readiness for Wisconsin School Districts. At the statewide level, Act 20 required the Department of Public Instruction (“DPI”) to create the “Office of Literacy” to recommend science-based literacy curricula and instruction materials for […]
Act 10 Challenge: The 2024 Sequel
On July 3, 2024, Dane County Circuit Court Judge Jacob Frost announced his intention to find 2011 Wisconsin Act 10 and portions of 2011 Wisconsin Act 55 (collectively referred to as “Act 10”) unconstitutional and requested further briefing from the parties to that case prior to issuing a final decision. On December 2, 2024, Judge […]
Reminder: School Safety Plan Review & Reporting Requirements
In preparation for the 2024-2025 school year, school districts and private schools should confirm they are meeting their statutory obligations related to school safety plans. Generally, school safety plans provide a shared understanding among school personnel, school leadership, parents, and law enforcement during times of crisis. School safety plans contain directions for interested parties during […]