Clarification on Executive Order Concerning Foreign National Registration

Within the barrage of initiatives, goals, policy statements, directives to agencies, and various other Trump Administration actions regarding immigration, is the reinvigoration of the long-standing Alien Registration requirements. This alert is intended to clarify the scope of this requirement where possible but also note the uncertainty of its scope in other circumstances. Executive Order – […]

Federal Immigration Enforcement in Schools

As the second Trump Administration takes office, we have been treated with an instant flood of Executive Orders addressing, among other things, the administration’s immigration enforcement initiatives. Primarily, these enforcement initiatives target border security and border crossings, undocumented individuals with criminal convictions or with prior removal orders. One measure that has captured the attention of […]

Immigration Officer Site Visits to H-1B Employers

As we continue to digest and evaluate the new Trump Administration’s policies on immigration, we are providing this update regarding increased worksite verification plans applicable to public and private sector employers with H-1B employees. For schools, please also see our alert regarding Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) efforts and access to schools. It is critical […]

School District Obligations Under 2023 Wisconsin Act 20

On July 19, 2023, the Wisconsin legislature enacted 2023 Wisconsin Act 20 (“Act 20”) which fundamentally shifted early childhood reading assessment and readiness for Wisconsin School Districts.  At the statewide level, Act 20 required the Department of Public Instruction (“DPI”) to create the “Office of Literacy” to recommend science-based literacy curricula and instruction materials for […]

Important Title IX Legal Update

Kentucky Federal District Court Opinion On January 9, 2025, a federal district court in Kentucky struck down the 2024 Title IX regulations nationwide.  State of Tennessee et. al., v. Michael Cardona, et. al., Case: 2:24-cv-00072-DCR-CJS(E.D. Ky. Jan. 9, 2025).  Specifically, the Kentucky court held that the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) exceeded its authority, engaged […]

The U. S. Supreme Court Takes a Look at Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

As the title of this article might suggest, our modern world is inundated with acronyms.  One frequently discussed lately is DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion).  To some, DEI is little more than a recognition of what the United States is all about, freedom and equality.  To others it is an unnecessary government intrusion on First […]