School Board Organizational Meetings

Now that the spring election of school board members has occurred, school boards that have not already held their annual school board organizational meetings must concentrate on complying with requirements for such meetings.  At those meetings, school boards elect officers but may also conduct additional business (e.g., appointing a WASB delegate, appointing committee members, and […]

Department of Public Instruction Issues Updated Special Education Informational Bulletin on Shortened School Day

In March, the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) issued Special Education Informational Bulletin 24.01 regarding the use of shortened school days.  Bulletin 24.01 replaces Informational Bulletin 14.03 on shortened school days and provides valuable new insights into how the DPI evaluates an individualized education program (IEP) team’s decision to shorten a student’s school day. The […]

The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) Improperly Applied Its Eligibility and Appeal Rules in an Arbitrary, Oppressive or Unreasonable Manner and as an Exercise of Its Will, Not Its Judgment

On February 28, 2024, in Halter v. Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals concluded: (1) the WIAA is a state actor and, therefore, subject to judicial review to determine whether it acted in accord with its rules and regulations and in applying its rules in a nonarbitrary manner; (2) the WIAA applied […]