U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Public Officials Blocking Users on Social Media
On March 15, 2024, the United States Supreme Court (Court), in a unanimous opinion, articulated a two-part test for determining whether a public official acts on behalf of the government (i.e., engages in state action) when blocking an individual’s comments or the individual on the public official’s social media page. See Lindke v. Freed, No. […]
7th Circuit Issues Decision in Case Involving School District’s Gender Identity Guidance
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit issued a decision on March 7, 2024, in a case involving a challenge to a school district’s Administrative Guidance for Gender Identity Support, as written. The Court dismissed the case because the plaintiff, a group of parents called “Parents Protecting Our Children” (PPOC), lacked standing to […]
Reminder: School District Obligations to Transport Pupils to Private Schools
School districts are often unsure about their obligations to provide transportation to pupils residing in their districts. In understanding their duties, districts must be aware that their obligations may extend beyond their public schools. In some circumstances, districts must provide transportation to and from private schools, even if the private school is located outside the […]